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Full Name: Jaxon Phillip Malerby


Year: It changes.


House: Pocombaite


Wand: 13 Inches, Dragon Scales, Oak


Age: Again, it changes every year.


Current Crush: Rosie Varela


Buddies: Alexander, Summer, Lacey, and I guess Damian but he hates me I think.  Maybe that Shane guy he seems pretty cool. Oh! And Darcy. And the Renove kids. And Wolf or whatever his name is.


Hair color:  Chocolate Brown


Eye color: Bright blue


Height: Currently 5"7 but my dad says I'll probably get to 6 feet.


Blood Status: Half-breed (Werewolf)


Favorites: Lemonade, Music, Golf courses(Not golf I just like running around the golf courses), chocolate frogs, regular chocolate, quiddtch, swimming, Superhero Movies, Disney Movies, soft blankets, skiing, and doggies.






Hey well I'm Jaxon and my full name is Jaxon Phillip Malerby. I really like lemonade and music. More below!

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